In late 2022, our founder made a life-changing move to the picturesque town of Sterling, Colorado. However, she was disheartened to discover that the town faced significant challenges with loose and aggressive dogs, resulting in unsafe conditions for residents and their pets. This issue extended far beyond her neighborhood, affecting the entire community. Overwhelmed with stray dogs, aggressive encounters, and high rates of surrender and abandonment due to low income and limited resources, the town struggled to find a solution. Despite the efforts of city leadership, citizens, and local authorities, the problem persisted.

Inspired by this need, Peaceful Coexistence was born in early 2024 with a mission to tackle dog behavior issues and resource insecurity. We began by offering free dog training sessions in the community park, but quickly realized the need for comprehensive education on dog care, breeding prevention, and effective training techniques. Our dog education events became a vital resource for the community. Recognizing the financial hardships faced by many pet owners, we started providing essential care items, dog food, and a Parvo vaccine fund. Our commitment to promoting health and well-being led us to fund full vaccination sets for pet owners in need. In 2024, we proudly became a 501(c)(3) animal welfare and public charity. It could not have happened without the incredible team that came together to support the mission. Our board members Jan, Lara, Mary, Michelle & Thalia, the founding board that took an idea and turned it in to a reality and resource.

Our impact has been profound. We have significantly addressed dog behavior issues and supported pet owners in need, helping them keep their dogs rather than rehome them. Through effective communication and training, we have taught dog owners to build positive relationships with their pets. In December 2024, we expanded our reach by piloting our program in Brush and booking our first virtual training session for pet owners outside our service area.

As we move into 2025, we aim to further expand our services to include spay and neuter programs to prevent unwanted litters. We hope to collaborate with local humane societies and rescues to provide training for adopted and fostered dogs. Our vision is to inspire similar initiatives in other communities.

Dogs are sentient beings with thoughts, feelings, and inherent needs. We believe that providing resources for their proper care and educating their human companions should be a societal standard, regardless of socio-economic status. Together, we can create a world where dogs and humans coexist peacefully and thrive.

Free Dog Training

We imagine a world where dog training is as commonplace as drivers education. A world where this essential education for both the owner and the dog is easily accessible regardless of socio-economic status. Basic communication, training and behavioral understanding is something every dog owner should knowledge of. It shouldn’t cost a fortune to be a great pet parent.

Owner Resources

We provide for dog owners facing a financial hardship, in need of support to prevent rehoming, abandonment resorting to abuse or neglect.

  • Dog food

  • Vaccinations

  • Dog training

  • Essential Care Items

  • Owner and Community Education